helene friren Archives - Trunk | Animation Production Company
France 3 idents
On 02, Aug 2010 | No Comments | In news / blog | By Richard
Layla has recently completed work on 9 brand new channel idents for french tv channel France3. Trunk worked with Red Bee Media on the channel’s summer campaign.
The aim was to create simple live action environments in which there were various pieces of graphics such as posters, stickers, labels. These graphic objects would talk to the camera using unscripted voiceovers. We worked with our french agency Bandits who went out and scoured the streets of Paris to record various people’s ideas and memories about summer. These were then edited down to a good selection of age ranges and accents.
Compositing wizard Rob Ward worked wonders in creating convincing backgrounds and adding atmpsphere and lighting effects to flat 2d images. The background images were photographed by Ben Turner at a variety of french locations.
As this was a job requiring lots of french lip sync we decided to use actual real french animators, Helene Friren and Raphael Di Roma. They were able to bring a lot of charm, character and subtlety to the animation. We also created 7 second idents with no voiceover, for these we used Grigoris Leontiades who, although his french is a little rusty, speaks greek so we kept it bi-lingual. Richard and Layla are now learning slovenian.
Check out these subtitled versions below.
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