geoff posner Archives - Trunk | Animation Production Company
Here’s the thing
On 06, Jun 2012 | 7 Comments | In news / blog | By Layla
We’ve been getting a lot of attention for our projections we did for Madness at the Jubilee Concert, this is great and we are all very flattered but don’t forget that we were only a tiny, tiny part of a HUGE production. We were commissioned by Sam Pattinson of Treatment for the two Madness songs but he also commissioned many other highly talented animators and compositors for other projections. Among them were Damian Hale, Mark Hough, Terry Scruby, Gareth Blayney, Luke Halls and David Shepard, they deseve as much attention as we got as all the projections were really impressive. Also freelance lighting programmer Luke Collins managed to light up every single “la” in the chorus of Crocodile Rock. The amazing folks at D3 made the projections look wonderful and Geoff Posner at the BBC came up with the Our House concept for the Madness visuals and also directed the whole show and made it look fantastic on television. It was truly a team effort, everyone worked really hard and deserves a lot of credit.