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Gelato Go Home

Gelato Go Home is a studio project directed by Alasdair + Jock. It was originally commissioned by Channel 4 and screened as part of the Random Acts season. The film went on to tour festivals all over the world.

The idea for the film came as Alasdair and Jock were visiting the Imperial War Museum one November day, and although fairly quiet and very cold, an ice cream van was parked up open for business. The guys mused on where ice cream vans should migrate to in the winter.

The film was shown at one of Trunk’s summer parties, where what else could be served, gelato! And cocktails, obviously

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Direstor: Alasdair + Jock
Illustration: Jock Mooney
3D Animation: Luca Paulli
2D Animation: Francisco Puerto Esteban, Layla Atkinson
Composer: James Orman
Sound Design & Mix: Barnaby Templer@Fonic
Producer: Richard Barnett
Production Company: Trunk Animation in association with Lupis Films for Channel 4